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12th Erich Fromm Online Meeting on January 11, 2025

The next Online‐Meeting will take place on

Saturday, January11, 2025 (again 3 p.m. Central European Time) with Daniel Burston, Phd. The paper to be discussed is titled:

Judaism, Antisemitism and Zionism in Fromm and the Frankfurt School.

Daniel Burston, Ph.D., is a renowned psychologist and Associate Professor at Duquesne University. As an expert in the history of psychology and psychoanalytic theories, he focuses on the interplay between psychoanalysis, politics, and culture. His research integrates historical, philosophical, and clinical perspectives, shedding light on key figures such as Erich Fromm, R.D. Laing, and Karl Stern. With a focus on existential psychology and the social dimensions of identity, he critically examines the challenges of modern societies. In addition to his extensive publications, he organizes lectures and archives that foster interdisciplinary dialogue.

Towards the end of December, we will provide you with the text to be discussed at the meeting.

If you are interested to participate in this meeting and have not been informed via email for previous meetings, please contact the EFSC (efsc@ipu-berlin.de). Please circulate this “Save the date” also with other Fromm scholars that might be interested to participate.

We are looking forward for an interessting discussion.