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HUMANISTIC TRANSFORMATION - Third Internationale Erich Fromm Research Conference 2023

From June 8th - June 11th 2023 at the IPU

The Erich Fromm Research Conference aims at bringing together international researchers engaged with the work of Erich Fromm, examining the actuality of Fromm’s social-analytical approach, as well as exploring the potential for further development of this approach with regard to contemporary social developments. In this year, the contributions of about 45 speakers will focus on different aspects of a “Humanistic Transformation”.

Transformation is an omnipresent term in current social, political and scientific discourse. Its increasing use seems to be an expression of a widespread desire for change in society. At the same time, despite its frequent use, the term often remains vague. A critical discussion about the goals that a transformation should strive for is often missing. The question of human transformation inevitably includes aspects of technical innovation, but does not stop there. Within the framework of the entire conference, the work of Erich Fromm and his significance for contemporary science forms a central point of reference.

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa will open the Research Conference on Thursday evening, June 8, with an opening lecture entitled “From Affirmation and Responsibility to Transformation and Respons‐a‐bility: Resonance as a Relational Mode of Being”. 

On Friday, June 9, from 6 to 7.30 p.m., there will be a panel discussion on "Humanistic Transformation" moderated by Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühn. 

Invited speakers for the discussion are:

  • Prof. Dr. Gesine Schwan,
  • Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer,
  • Dr. Thomas Bruhn,
  • Gerd Hofielen


The conference is in English. It is organized by the Erich Fromm Study Center at the IPU Berlin and conducted by Dr. Rainer Funk, Tübingen, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühn, Berlin.

Here you can find the preliminary Program. Additionally, we have a catalogue of all abstracts of the presentations of the panels that you can download here

Registrations to participate as "observer" can be made either for the whole conference or only for specific days. For registrations please follow the link: https://www.ipu-berlin.de/erich-fromm-research-conference-2023/