8th Erich Fromm Online Meeting on October 7, 2023
The online meeting will take place on October 7 at 3 p.m. (CEST). This time, we will discuss a paper by Dr. Kieran Durkin titled 'A Defence of Fromm's Humanism in the 21st Century’. Kieran is a sociologist and political scientist currently at York University (UK) and author to the book “The Radical Humanism of Erich Fromm” (2014).
Here is the abstract on the paper to be discussed:
“Humanism is under attack today as never before, as seen through the proliferation of many refined varieties of anti, post, and trans-humanism. This situation is the culmination of more than 200 or so years of the development of theoretical – epistemological, ontological, and ethical – positions that present themselves as opposed to humanism. What, then, can Fromm’s engagement with the humanist thematic contribute to the current debate? In this session, we will consider the various aspects of Fromm’s humanism – radical, normative, interpersonal, etc. – to try to ascertain the outlines of a Frommian response to the crisis of humanism”
As in previous sessions, we kindly ask you to prepare yourself for the discussion by reading Kieran’s paper beforehand as there will be no presentation at the meeting itself. We will send you the text together with a video of the presentation of the paper in a separate email well ahead the meeting, to allow enough time for preparation. The link to the meeting via zoom, we will send out some days before the meeting takes place.
If you are interested to participate in this meeting and have not been informed via email for previous meetings, please contact the EFSC (efsc@ipu-berlin.de).
Looking forward to yet another round of interesting discussion on Fromm’s work!