10th Erich Fromm Online Meeting on April 6, 2024
The next Online‐Meeting which will take place on
Saturday, April 6, 2024 (again 3 p.m. Central European Time) with Dr. Dražen Šumiga. The paper to be discussed is titled:
Erich Fromm and humanistic ethics - towards the socially oriented psychotherapeutic praxis.
Please save the date. As in previous sessions, we will make the paper available in advance so that all participants can read the text in preparation The link to the meeting via zoom, we will send out some days before the meeting takes place in January 2024.
If you are interested to participate in this meeting and have not been informed via email for previous meetings, please contact the EFSC (efsc@ipu-berlin.de). Please circulate this “Save the date” also with other Fromm scholars that might be interested to participate.
We are looking forward for an interessting discussion.