Research Conference on Humanistic Transformation
The 3rd international Erich Fromm Research Conference regarding the topic "Humanistic Transformation" took place from June 8 to June 11 2023 at the IPU in Berlin. The conference was organized by Dr. Rainer Funk, Tübingen, and Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühn, Berlin and financed by the Karl Schlecht Stiftung.
We want to thank all speaker and observer for their inspiring lectures and intersting contributions to the discussion.
Videos of the opening lecture by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Rosa, the keynotes by Prof. Kühn and Dr. Funk and the panel discussion with Prof. Gesine Schwan, Prof. Harald Welzer, Thomas Bruhn and Gerd Hofielen are now published on the EFSC's YouTube Channel. You can also access them via the media center of this homepage.