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5th International Erich Fromm Seminar

for Doctoral Students and Postdocs at the Erich Fromm Institute Tübingen, March 23-26, 2022

A special concern is the promotion of Fromm research. At the moment, this takes concrete form mainly in an annual International Fromm Seminar for Docs and Postdocs. Doctoral students and postdocs working on Fromm-related research projects (e.g. in psychology, sociology, philosophy, education, history, anthropology, political theory, political science, social work, theology, religious studies, international relations, literary studies etc.) are invited. The seminar is open to 10 participants from all over the world, and will be conducted in English. International junior researchers will have the chance to discuss their own research in the Seminar. Each project will receive feedback from a senior advisor and will be discussed in the seminar group. The 5th seminar took place at the Erich Fromm Institute in Tübingen in September 2022; the 6th will be offered in June 2023 in Berlin.

The photo on the right shows the participants of the 5th seminar: front row from left: Katrin Voigt (EFSC), Matheus Romanetto (Brazil), Andrew Shapiro (USA), Dr. Sebastian Bobeth (EFSC); back row from left: Dr. Anne Sauka (Latvia), Mariya Radchenko (Russia), Ernest Sleptsov (Russia), Dr. Ronen Pinkas (Israel), Benjamin Schramm (Germany), Prof. Catherine Silver (USA), Dr. Rainer Funk (EFIT), Prof. Thomas Kühn (EFSC), Prof. Neil McLaughlin (Canada); not on photo: Prof. Lynn Chancer (USA), Minh Thu Nguyen (Portugal).