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7th Erich Fromm Online Meeting on September 24, 2022

On September 24 at 3 p.m. (CET) the next Erich Fromm Online Meeting will take place.

This time, Dr. Jonathan Keir from the Weltethos Institut and the Karl Schlecht Foundation will prepare a presentation on "A Frommian Dialogue with the Pluriverse: The Centenary of Fromm's Dissertation and the Potentials of a Worldwide Fromm Reception". The presentation will be based on his recently published book "The House That Fromm Built".

As in previous meetings, all participants are kindly asked to prepare for discussions by watching the presentation and read the provided text beforehand, as there will be no presentation at the meeting itself. We will send out the video and the text in time before the meeting.

If you are interested to participate in this meeting and have not been informed via email for previous meetings, please contact the EFSC. You will then be provided with the presentation, text and link for the online meeting via zoom.

Looking forward to yet another round of interesting discussion on Fromm’s work!