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11th Erich Fromm Online Meeting on September 28, 2024

The next Online‐Meeting will take place on

Saturday, September 28, 2024 (again 3 p.m. Central European Time) with Dr. Luis Jimenez. The paper to be discussed is titled:

Reflections on Fromm’s notions of alienation and destructivity in the context of intergenerational transmission of trauma in late modernity.

Luis is a Frommian psychoanalyst, as well as senior lecturer and Director of Research at the School of Applied Health & Communities /Counselling Program, University of East London. His research on various aspects of gendered identities, neoliberal subjectivities, work and identity changes within post-industrial societies and inter-generational traumatic transmission of collective trauma has combined Frommian themes within a socio-psychoanalytic and a psychosocial approach to affect.

Towards the end of August, we will provide you with the text to be discussed at the meeting.

If you are interested to participate in this meeting and have not been informed via email for previous meetings, please contact the EFSC ( Please circulate this “Save the date” also with other Fromm scholars that might be interested to participate.

We are looking forward for an interessting discussion.