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Since the summer semester of 2024, there has been a dedicated room for the Erich Fromm Study Center (EFSC) at the IPU. It is located on the 2nd floor of the building at Alt Moabit 91a and serves as a workspace for the academic staff of the EFSC and for Erich Fromm research.

The library mainly consists of two sections: the writings of Erich Fromm himself and a selection of (academic) literature about Erich Fromm.

The writings of Erich Fromm include a collection in English (from 1938 onward, Erich Fromm published almost exclusively in English) as well as a collection in German, primarily featured in a critically annotated complete edition comprising 12 volumes.

The chronologically sorted catalogs of Fromm's works in the EFSC also include titles that are not available in print form in the EFSC library but can be directly downloaded via link.

The catalog of Fromm's English writings in the EFSC can be downloaded here, and the catalog of Fromm's German writings is available for download as a PDF here.

An overview of Fromm's original writings in both German and English, which can be purchased as e-books or freely downloaded, can be found on the official Erich Fromm-Website as a sortable Excel file and as a PDF here.

Surely, only a small portion of the works on Fromm's thought and oeuvre are directly accessible in print form in the EFSC library. The current collection of approximately 1,000 titles partly originates from the Yearbooks (1990-1995) and the English and German editions of the Fromm Forum (since 1997), published by the International Erich Fromm Society. Additionally, there are a number of important anthologies and monographs on the reception of Fromm's work. The collection is regularly updated with new releases.

The regularly updated catalog of secondary literature is available for download, sorted by author, as a PDF and as an Excel-File. The Excel file offers the advantage of allowing the catalog to be sorted by language, location number, and source references.

The catalog only includes works that are available in print form at the EFSC. If printed works are also accessible digitally, the catalog provides a link to the full text.

  • Our media libary contains numerous video contributions by, with, and about Erich Fromm, as well as from events organized by the EFSC at the IPU.
  • For research on the life and work of Erich Fromm, two additional sources are available at the Erich Fromm Study Center, which can be accessed upon request and by arrangement:
    • a large collection of secondary literature in PDF format
    • a comprehensive media library with audio and video materials by, with, and about Erich Fromm (which goes far beyond what is offered in our media library)
  • The following external sources are also recommended:
    • All of Erich Fromm's writings published worldwide (approximately 5,000) and around 15,000 works about Erich Fromm are bibliographically recorded in the documentserver OPUS, with some available in full text. (A guide to conducting research in OPUS can be found in the FAQs on the platform.)
    • The homepage of the International Erich-Fromm-Society contains numerous contributions about Erich Fromm.
    • The official Erich Fromm Website is another important resource for Fromm research. It is hosted by the Erich Fromm Foundation and the Erich Fromm Institute in Tübingen, providing access to numerous documents either directly or via the OPUS document server.

Since there are no regular opening hours for the Erich Fromm Study Center, researchers wishing to use the resources of the library are asked to contact Philip Jammermann via email.